Good to know - This Brother printer is an all-in-one, which means it can print, copy, scan and send faxes, making your workday that much easier.- The WiFi connection and Apple AirPrint let you print from anywhere - It can print up to 32 pages a minute, so even large stacks will be printed in a jiffy - The LCD display lets you quickly select the next job or check the ink levels
Last 6 months
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Good to know - This Brother printer is an all-in-one, which means it can print, copy, scan and send faxes, making your workday that much easier.- The WiFi connection and Apple AirPrint let you print from anywhere - It can print up to 32 pages a minute, so even large stacks will be printed in a jiffy - The LCD display lets you quickly select the next job or check the ink levels
Last 6 months
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Todays price is the lowest it's been in the last 6 months