300ml Body Wash 100g Bath SaltsBath RobeDescriptionThe signature collection from Style & Grace is a luxurious range of bath and body products that are designed to nourish and pamper your skin and help improve your feeling of well-being. The evocative fine fragrance in Style & Grace bring together a heady blend of jasmine, bergamot and rhubarb than moves onto a hearty blend of sandalwood which will caress ad stimulate your senses.Reviews
300ml Body Wash 100g Bath SaltsBath RobeDescriptionThe signature collection from Style & Grace is a luxurious range of bath and body products that are designed to nourish and pamper your skin and help improve your feeling of well-being. The evocative fine fragrance in Style & Grace bring together a heady blend of jasmine, bergamot and rhubarb than moves onto a hearty blend of sandalwood which will caress ad stimulate your senses.Reviews