The Cultural Politics of Analytic Philosophy: Britishness and the Spectre of Europe (Continuum Studies in British Philosophy) | Thomas L. Akehurst

The Cultural Politics of Analytic Philosophy: Britishness and the Spectre of Europe (Continuum Studies in British Philosophy) | Thomas L. Akehurst

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A study of analytic philosophy in twentieth-century British thought. It explores how philosophers such as Bertrand Russell, AJ Ayer, Gilbert Ryle and Isaiah Berlin believed in a link between German aggression in the twentieth century and the nineteenth-century philosophy of Hegel and Nietzsche.


A study of analytic philosophy in twentieth-century British thought. It explores how philosophers such as Bertrand Russell, AJ Ayer, Gilbert Ryle and Isaiah Berlin believed in a link between German aggression in the twentieth century and the nineteenth-century philosophy of Hegel and Nietzsche.