Words of Spirituality | Enzo Bianchi

Words of Spirituality | Enzo Bianchi

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'Abba, tell me a word!' So would an 'elder' often be addressed at the beginning of the fourth century by young monks and visitors to desert monasteries. It is in this tradition that Enzo Bianchi writes, in response to requests from brothers, sisters and guests of his community who ask him for 'a reason for his hope'. These 'words' are not listed alphabetically or by theme, but arranged to take us on a journey, through the use of a method of allusions and cross-references in which one term evokes another. At the heart of the book is the conviction that our life has meaning, that it is not our task to invent or determine it, but simply to discover it present and active in us and around us.


'Abba, tell me a word!' So would an 'elder' often be addressed at the beginning of the fourth century by young monks and visitors to desert monasteries. It is in this tradition that Enzo Bianchi writes, in response to requests from brothers, sisters and guests of his community who ask him for 'a reason for his hope'. These 'words' are not listed alphabetically or by theme, but arranged to take us on a journey, through the use of a method of allusions and cross-references in which one term evokes another. At the heart of the book is the conviction that our life has meaning, that it is not our task to invent or determine it, but simply to discover it present and active in us and around us.