Gently deep clean with this man's size, triple milled Body Bar by The Scottish Fine Soap Company.\nIt's made with purifying milk thistle and infused with a sensational scent of black pepper, amber, sandalwood and sea buckthorn. It's unashamedlymasculine. I don't think I have ever used a body soap that delivers such a rich, creamy lather and the scent is so refreshing especially first thing in the morning.\nThe Scottish Fine Soap Companytriple-milled soap is a high-quality type of soap that is commercially made by a repeated machine-rolling process. After the soap is made, it is dried into pellets andthen rolled at least three times between large stainless steel rollers until a paste is formed. The paste is then pressed into soap moulds to formtriple milled, high quality, longer lasting soaps.\nMatch up with The Scottish Soap Company flagship men's product the wonderfulThistle & Black Pepper EDT.\nProlong the life of your soap bar with a Soap Dish.